Uro Vasthi

Uro Vasthi is an Ayurvedic therapy specifically targeting the chest region. It involves the application of medicated oils or herbal decoctions over the chest area and holding it within a specially formed herbal paste boundary for a specific duration. This therapy is primarily used to treat disorders related to the chest region, including respiratory issues, cardiac problems, and musculoskeletal disorders affecting the chest. The term "Uro" refers to the chest or thoracic region, and "Vasthi" refers to a therapeutic procedure involving the application and retention of medicated substances. In Uro Vasthi, a reservoir made of dough is created over the chest area, usually around the sternum (breastbone), and warm herbal oil or herbal decoction is poured into it. This reservoir is kept in place for a certain period, allowing the medicinal properties of the oils or decoctions to penetrate deeply into the tissues of the chest.

Benefits of Udwarthanam

  • Enhances lung capacity.
  • Facilitates easier breathing.
  • Relieves chest congestion.
  • Alleviates pain and inflammation.
  • Clears lung congestion.

Experience the authentic Uro Vasthi Treatment exclusively at Arooda Ayurveda Hyderabad. Contact us to discover more about this treatment and its pricing details. Consult our expert Ayurvedic doctors to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your specific needs.