Post Natal Treatment

Postnatal care is the care that a new mother receives after childbirth. It is important for new mothers to receive proper care to help them recover from childbirth and to prevent complications. Ayurveda can be a helpful part of postnatal care.

Ayurvedic Post Natal Care

Here are some of the ways that Ayurveda can help with postnatal care:

  • Sutika Abhyanga (Post Natal Massage)
    Ayurvedic massage, known as Abhyanga, can help to relax the body and mind, reduce stress, and improve circulation. It can also help to reduce pain and inflammation, and to improve the healing of wounds.
  • Vethu Kuli (Herbal Bathing)
    Vethu kuli or Herbal Bath is a traditional bathing method in Kerala. Vethu kuli is very important in for the recovery of the body after delivery.
  • Diet
    Ayurveda recommends a diet that is specific to the individual's constitution, or dosha. A healthy diet can help to improve digestion, boost immunity, and provide the body with the nutrients it needs to recover from childbirth.
  • Ayurvedic Medicine
    Ayurveda has a wide range of herbal remedies that can be used to treat a variety of postpartum conditions, such as postpartum depression, fatigue, and pain.

Benefits of Ayurvedic Post Natal Care

  • Promotes Healing
    Ayurvedic therapies help the mother's body recover from the stress of childbirth, including toning the uterus and promoting the elimination of toxins.
  • Balances Doshas
    The postnatal period is considered a time of increased Vata dosha. Ayurvedic practices and treatments aim to balance the doshas, particularly Vata, to promote overall health and well-being.
  • Supports Lactation
    Ayurvedic herbs and therapies are used to support and enhance lactation, ensuring that the mother has an adequate milk supply to nourish her newborn.
  • Reduces Postpartum Depression:
    Ayurvedic practices such as Abhyanga (oil massage) and Shirodhara (oil pouring on the forehead) help reduce stress and promote relaxation, which can reduce the risk of postpartum depression.
  • Strengthens Bonding
    Ayurvedic practices promote bonding between the mother and baby through skin-to-skin contact, gentle massage, and nurturing care.
  • Improves Digestion
    Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle recommendations during the postnatal period help improve digestion, which is essential for both the mother and baby's health.
  • Enhances Recovery
    Postnatal care in Ayurveda focuses on enhancing the mother's overall recovery, including strengthening her immune system and improving her energy levels.
  • Prevents Complications
    By promoting overall health and well-being, postnatal care in Ayurveda helps prevent complications that can arise during the postpartum period.

Arooda Ayurveda offers authentic Kerala Ayurveda postnatal care services in Hyderabad, with the additional convenience of home care. For those interested in experiencing the benefits of Kerala Ayurveda postnatal care, Arooda Ayurveda invites you to consult our expert Ayurvedic doctor. Whether you prefer to receive care at our clinic or in the comfort of your home, Arooda Ayurveda is dedicated to supporting your health and well-being during this special time.