Hair Loss

Hair fall can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, hormonal changes, medical conditions, medications, and lifestyle factors. Stress, poor diet, and harsh hair care practices can also contribute to hair fall. Managing hair fall often requires a holistic approach, including addressing underlying health issues, improving nutrition, reducing stress, and adopting gentle hair care practices.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Hair Fall

Ayurveda offers several effective treatments for hair fall, focusing on balancing the doshas, improving scalp health, and nourishing the hair follicles. Ayurvedic treatment for hair fall typically involves a combination of therapies, including:

  • Herbal medicine
    Ayurvedic herbs can be used to reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and nourish the hair follicles. Some of the most commonly used herbs for hair loss include amla, reetha, shikakai, and brahmi.
  • Shiro Abhyanga
    This is a head massage using Ayurvedic oils. It helps improve blood circulation to the scalp, strengthens the hair roots, and reduces hair fall.
  • Shirodhara
    Shirodhara involves pouring a continuous stream of warm herbal oil over the forehead. It helps reduce stress, which is a common cause of hair fall, and promotes relaxation.
  • Diet
    A healthy diet that is rich in nutrients and antioxidants can help to improve hair growth and prevent hair loss. Ayurvedic practitioners often recommend a diet that is high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and low in processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats.
  • Panchakarma
    Panchakarma is a series of cleansing therapies that can help to remove toxins from the body and improve overall health. Panchakarma is often used as a preliminary treatment for other Ayurvedic therapies, including hair loss treatment.

Here are some of the Ayurvedic herbs to prevent hair fall:

  • Amla: Amla is a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants. It is believed to help improve hair growth and prevent hair loss.
  • Reetha: Reetha is a natural cleanser that can help remove toxins from the scalp. It is also believed to help improve hair growth.
  • Shikakai Shikakai is a natural shampoo that can help cleanse the scalp and hair. It is also believed to help improve hair growth.
  • Brahmi: Brahmi is a herb that is known for its calming and stimulating effects. It is believed to help improve hair growth and prevent hair loss.

Choosing Arooda Ayurveda for Hair Fall treatment ensures that you receive personalized care tailored to your specific condition, enabling you to experience the benefits of Kerala Ayurveda in Hyderabad. Visit Arooda Ayurveda today and discover the holistic healing that Kerala Ayurveda offers. Contact us to schedule a consultation with our expert doctor or to learn more about our Ayurvedic treatments.