
Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects the way the body metabolizes sugar. It can cause high blood sugar levels, which can lead to a number of health problems.

Ayurvedic medicines, therapies, diet and lifestyle can help to improve blood sugar control and reduce the risk of complications.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes

Ayurveda offers a number of natural remedies that can help to manage diabetes. Here are some Ayurvedic remedies for diabetes:

  • Ayurvedic Medicines:
    Ayurveda has number of medicines to control diabetes, some examples are Nisha Amalaki Kashayam, Pathyakshadhatryadi Kashayam, Chandraprabha Kashayam etc.
  • Herbal supplements:
    There are a number of herbs that have been shown to be effective in managing diabetes, including bitter melon, fenugreek, cinnamon, and turmeric. These herbs can be found in capsule, tablet, or tea form.
  • Abhyangam:
    Ayurvedic massages using herbal oils can help improve circulation and reduce inflammation, which can be beneficial for diabetes management.
  • Panchakarma
    In some cases, Ayurvedic detoxification therapies such as Panchakarma may be recommended to remove toxins from the body and balance the doshas, which can help improve insulin sensitivity.
  • Diet:
    A healthy diet is essential for managing diabetes. Eating a diet that is low in sugar and carbohydrates and high in fiber can help to keep blood sugar levels under control. It is also important to avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive amounts of alcohol.
  • Meditation:
    Meditation is another great way to reduce stress levels. Stress can contribute to insulin resistance, which can make it difficult to manage blood sugar levels. There are a number of different types of meditation, so find one that works for you and practice it regularly.
  • Lifesyle Modifications:
    Ayurvedic lifestyle changes to manage diabetes.
  1. Getting regular exercise
  2. Maintaining a healthy weight
  3. Getting enough sleep
  4. Managing stress levels
  5. Quitting smoking
  6. Limiting alcohol intake

Tips for managing diabetes with Ayurveda:

  • Choose the right foods
    Ayurveda classifies foods into three doshas: vata, pitta, and kapha. Each dosha has its own unique qualities, and certain foods are better suited for some doshas than others. For example, people with a vata dosha tend to be thin and have dry skin, so they may benefit from eating foods that are warming and moistening, such as cooked vegetables, soups, and stews. People with a pitta dosha tend to be of average build and have oily skin, so they may benefit from eating foods that are cooling and drying, such as yogurt, cucumbers, and watermelon. People with a kapha dosha tend to be overweight and have cold, dry skin, so they may benefit from eating foods that are warming and stimulating, such as ginger, garlic, and black pepper.
  • Eat regular meals
    Eating regular meals helps to keep blood sugar levels stable. Aim to eat three meals and two snacks each day.
  • Avoid processed foods
    Processed foods are often high in sugar, unhealthy fats, and calories. They can also be low in fiber and nutrients. Instead of processed foods, choose whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible.
  • Get regular exercise
    Exercise helps to lower blood sugar levels, improve insulin sensitivity, and reduce body weight. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.
  • Manage stress levels
    Stress can contribute to insulin resistance and make it difficult to manage blood sugar levels. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as yoga, meditation, or spending time in nature.
  • Get enough sleep
    Getting enough sleep is essential for overall health and well-being. It is also important for managing diabetes. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

Choosing Arooda Ayurveda for Diabetes treatment ensures that you receive personalized care tailored to your specific condition, enabling you to experience the benefits of Kerala Ayurveda in Hyderabad. Don't let Diabetes limit your quality of life. Visit Arooda Ayurveda today and discover the holistic healing that Kerala Ayurveda offers. Contact us to schedule a consultation with our expert doctor or to learn more about our Ayurvedic treatments.