
Ayurvedic treatments for psoriasis are designed to improve the balance of the doshas, which are the three fundamental energies that Ayurveda believes make up the body. The doshas are vata, pitta, and kapha.

Psoriasis is often associated with an imbalance of vata and pitta dosha. Ayurvedic treatments for psoriasis are designed to help bring these doshas back into balance.

Kerala Ayurveda Treatments for Psoriasis

Welcome to Arooda Ayurveda, your sanctuary for authentic Ayurvedic healing. In this article, we will delve into the profound wisdom of Kerala Ayurveda and its specialized treatments for psoriasis. Discover the holistic approach to managing psoriasis through understanding its symptoms, causes, and the transformative Ayurvedic therapies offered at Arooda Ayurveda. Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that causes raised, red patches of skin covered with silvery scales. It is not contagious and is not caused by poor hygiene. The exact cause of psoriasis is unknown, but it is thought to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. This condition often goes through cycles of flare-ups and remission, affecting the skin, nails, and joints.

Symptoms of Psoriasis

Common symptoms of psoriasis include:

1.Red patches of skin with thick, silvery scales
2.Itching, burning, or soreness in the affected areas
3.Dry, cracked skin that may bleed
4.Nail changes, such as pitting or discoloration
5.Joint pain and swelling in some cases (psoriatic arthritis)

Causes of Psoriasis

While the exact cause of psoriasis remains unclear, several factors can trigger or exacerbate the condition, including:

1.Genetics: Family history plays a significant role in the development of psoriasis.
2.Immune System Dysfunction: An overactive immune response can lead to the rapid skin cell turnover in psoriasis.
3.Environmental Triggers: Factors like stress, infections, and certain medications can trigger psoriasis flare-ups.
4.Lifestyle Choices: Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and obesity can worsen psoriasis symptoms.

Ayurvedic Management of Psoriasis

Kerala Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to managing psoriasis that focuses on balancing the body, mind, and spirit. Through a combination of personalized therapies and herbal remedies, Arooda Ayurveda aims to address the root causes of psoriasis and provide long-lasting relief.

1. Panchakarma Detoxification

Panchakarma, a cornerstone of Ayurveda, involves a series of detoxification therapies aimed at removing accumulated toxins from the body. These detox treatments help to purify the blood, balance the doshas (energetic forces), and alleviate skin conditions like psoriasis.

2. Herbal Medications and External Applications

At Arooda Ayurveda, we harness the healing power of traditional herbs and natural ingredients to create specialized formulations for managing psoriasis. These herbal medicines work internally to cleanse the body and externally to soothe and heal the skin lesions. Herbal pastes, oils, and powders are applied topically to reduce inflammation, itching, and scaling

3. Lifestyle and Dietary Modifications

Ayurvedic management of psoriasis includes personalized dietary recommendations and lifestyle modifications. Our expert Ayurvedic physicians guide you on adopting a psoriasis-friendly diet that focuses on anti-inflammatory foods, hydration, and gut health. Avoiding trigger foods, managing stress, and following a regular skincare routine are essential for managing psoriasis effectively.

4. Mind-Body Therapies

Ayurveda recognizes the deep connection between the mind and body in managing skin conditions like psoriasis. Therapies such as meditation, yoga, and relaxation techniques are incorporated to reduce stress levels, promote emotional well-being, and support overall skin health.

5. External Therapies for Skin Healing

Arooda Ayurveda offers a range of external therapies specifically designed to nourish and heal the skin affected by psoriasis. These therapies include medicated oil massages (Abhyanga), Thakradhara (Pouring of medicated buttermilk on the body), herbal steam treatments (Swedana), and specialized skin applications (Lepam). These therapies aid in reducing inflammation, itching, and promoting skin regeneration.

Embrace the Healing Power of Kerala Ayurveda

If you are seeking a natural and holistic approach to managing psoriasis, Arooda Ayurveda invites you to experience the transformative healing benefits of Kerala Ayurveda. Our experienced practitioners, guided by ancient wisdom, provide personalized care and effective solutions to help you overcome the challenges of psoriasis. Discover the gift of radiant skin, restored balance, and renewed vitality through the timeless healing practices of Ayurveda.

  • Relieves headaches and stress.
  • Clears toxins from various channels and cavities, including the neck, brain, eyes, nose, ears, and throat.
  • Enhances immunity.
  • Boosts memory.
  • Alleviates nasal congestion, sinusitis, and asthma
  • Strengthens sensory organs
  • Helps prevent skin diseases.
  • Revitalizes the brain and nervous system.

Experience the authentic Nasyam Treatment exclusively at Arooda Ayurveda Hyderabad. Contact us to discover more about this treatment and its pricing details. Consult our expert Ayurvedic doctors to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your specific needs.